Saturday, May 15, 2010

Saturday morning

Well, I managed an hour and a half of uninterrupted writing before the house began to stir this morning.
Starting to fill out the pages that I already started on.
I didn't notice that I wrote like that till recently. I like to write the dialogue and then go back and talk about what happens during the dialogue.
I think I would only write dialogue if it was possible. Let someone else fill in the when, where, how, etc.
Lazy, I know.
I read an agent's submission guidelines the other day and it said basically don't bother to send me anything unless you are completely serious about the writing craft. That you have studied and worked and read and gone to classes, etc.
Statements like that just shake my confidence completely.
I didn't study.
I didn't go to college.
Of course I read. I used to read a lot more than I have time for now though. I had a different book everywhere, at my desk, in the car and on my nightstand.
But I didn't know writing romance novels would require me to have a Bachelor's Degree in anything.
Then again, maybe I wouldn't struggle with some of my writing if I had gone to school.
It's a tough one.
College just wasn't for me. I had so had it with school by the time I graduated high school that I just resented college when I started classes.
And that is no way to learn anything.
Oh well. We will just have to wait and see how it goes.
Still no interesting emails or phone calls.
Tick, tick, tick...

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